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HITEC University Act 2009
Undergraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Business Administration
Islamic Studies
Postgraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
PhD Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vision & Mission
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Management Science
Islamic Studies
OBE Based Curriculum
CS OBE Based Curriculum
SE OBE Based Curriculum
BME OBE Based Curriculum
Prize Distribution Ceremony for Entrepreneurship Day
Ahl e Zooq by Literary and Debating Society
Motival Lecture by Abu Saad Youth Club
RCCI Workshop
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Rules & Regulations (PhD)
HITEC University Act 2009
Undergraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Business Administration
Islamic Studies
Postgraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
PhD Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vision & Mission
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Management Science
Islamic Studies
OBE Based Curriculum
CS OBE Based Curriculum
SE OBE Based Curriculum
BME OBE Based Curriculum
Prize Distribution Ceremony for Entrepreneurship Day
Ahl e Zooq by Literary and Debating Society
Motival Lecture by Abu Saad Youth Club
RCCI Workshop
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Types & Classification of services
Eligibility, Recruitment/Selection, Termination, Resignation
Perks & Privileges
Contributory Fund
Conduct & Discipline
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Position Vacant
In-Campus Library
HEC Digital Library
Rules & Regulations for MS
Rules & Regulations for MS
Award of Masters‟ Degree
. The University, on recommendations of Board of Faculty, shall award Masters‟ degree to the students who satisfy the following conditions:-
Course Work
. The minimum course work required shall be 24 credits of graduate level course work or as approved by PEC/HEC for each program of masters‟ degree.
Research Work
. In addition to the course work, all students should either enrol for 6 Cr Hrs of research thesis or two additional courses of 3 Cr Hrs each to complete the program.
Successful Thesis Defence
. Details are given in paragraphs 15-20 of this Chapter.
Other Conditions. Should have
Achieved a minimum CGPA of 2.50.
No unclear „F‟ grade(s)
Cleared all dues.
Eligibility for Admission
. To be eligible for admission to Masters „program in the concerned discipline, a candidate:-
Shall possess bachelor‟s or equivalent degree in Engineering/Islamic Studies/Management Sciences/Mathematics etc (minimum 16 years of education), from a HEC recognized university/institute. It shall be candidate‟s responsibility to get the equivalence established through HEC/PEC/IBCC etc, if required.
Shall be up to the medical standards for going through the intense studies and training in the University.
Serving in a private or Government organization, shall also attach a “No Objection Certificate” of his employer/Head, and route the admission form through proper channel.
A student previously withdrawn from HITEC University on disciplinary grounds will not be eligible to apply again for any degree program.
In case of any dispute, decision of the Vice Chancellor shall be final for the grant of admission to any student in any master‟ program.
Application / Registration
Desirous applicants shall apply for admission in response to advertisements appearing in the press by the University, on the prescribed Application Form along with necessary documents (in duplicate) to the Registrar (Admission Office) of the University. The Admission Office will issue a receipt of acknowledgement to the candidate.
After initial scrutiny, the application form of eligible candidates will be forwarded to the concerned department for evaluation and recommendations as described below:
The admission will be granted by each Departmental Committee to be constituted by the University on the recommendation of Dean and concerned Chairperson.
Relevance, strength and GPA of the courses taken by the candidate during Bachelors/Masters at previous university/institution to the program applied for shall be given due weightage; and
Candidates with good academic record from a local/foreign university/institution of repute, shall only be considered for admission at HITEC University. The minimum laid down standards as per policy including CGPA/percentages in Bachelors/Masters shall be strictly adhered to;
The score obtained in GRE (General)//GAT (General) conducted by National Testing Service (NTS)/HITEC University‟s Entrance Test should be as per policy guidelines of HEC.
Evaluations and recommendations by the concerned departments will be forwarded to Admission Office.
Each successful candidate will be issued “Admission Letter” by the Admission Office.
Transfer of Credits
. Course credits may be transferred from other local accredited or foreign HEC recognized institution(s), if they are relevant and appropriate to a Master‟s program in a discipline approved by the University. Following shall be applicable:-
Only the course(s) with 'B' grade, equivalent or higher shall be considered for transfer;
The candidate will have to complete the program in the stipulated time as laid down by the HEC / Universities, and it shall include the time already spent in the previous institution;
A maximum of 12 Cr Hrs (for MBA 50% of Cr Hrs) earned in the previous institution can be transferred to HITEC University; and
The transfer of credits is subject to acceptance by the concerned Departmental Board of Studies.
Academic Deficiencies
. A student shall be dropped from the Masters‟ program if:-
Fails in more than one course in MS (six Courses for MBA) in whole course work;
First semester GPA is less than 2.00 (less than 0.75 for MBA);
CGPA remains below 2.50 after completion of course work even after availing repetition of courses allowed under the rules;
CGPA less than 2.50;
„I‟ (Incomplete) grade in any course.
Disposal of Academically Deficient Students
. The cases are disposed off by the Board of Faculty on the recommendation of Departmental Board of Studies. The Board may award one of the following disposals:-
Masters less MBA Programs
. All master‟s programs except MBA will be governed under following conditions:-
Probation; and
MBA Program
. Will be governed under following conditions:-
Probation; and
. Probation means that a student is deficient in academic standards and is either likely to be relegated or withdrawn from the program.
Policy for Masters‟/M Phil less MBA Program
. Board of Faculty shall recommend and place a student on academic probation under any of the following conditions if the:-
CGPA is equal to 2.00 or above and less than 2.50 at the end of a semester; or
WitStudent fails in a subject.hdrawal
Policy for MBA Program Only
. Board of Faculty shall recommend and place a student on academic probation under any of the following conditions if the:-
Semester GPA is equal to 1.00 or above and less than 1.25 at the end of first Semester.
CGPA is equal to 1.50 or above and less than 2.00 at the end of second Semester
CGPA is below 2.50 after third semester
Student fails in a subject.
Relegation (For MBA Only)
. “Relegation” means that the student is asked to join the next junior class when recommended by the Board of Faculty.
. Board of Faculty shall recommend and place a student on relegation under any of the following conditions if :-
First semester GPA is equal to 0.75 but below 1.00;
CGPA at the end of second semester is equal to 1.00 but below 1.50
CGPA at the end of third semester onwards is equal to 1.50 but below 2.00
n disciplinary or medical grounds when so recommended.
. “Withdrawal” means that a student is considered unsuitable for further studies and shall be struck off the University rolls.
Policy for Masters less MBA Program
. Board of Faculty shall recommend a student for withdrawal, under any of the following conditions if the:-
First semester GPA is below 2.00;or
Fails more than once in course work;
or CGPA remains below 2.5 after completion of the course work even after availing the chances allowed under the provision of regulation “Repetition of Course”
Policy for MBA Program
. Board of Faculty shall recommend a student for withdrawal, under any of the following conditions if the:-
First semester GPA is less than 0.75; or CGPA at the end of second semester is below 1.00, or CGPA at the end third semester onwards is below 1.50; or
Student receives 'F' grade in more than six courses; or
Student fails to improve GPA / CGPA to 2.50 or above after relegation;
On disciplinary or medical grounds when so recommended.
Improvement of CGPA
. Before opting for thesis work or two additional courses in lieu for MS or thesis work by MBA, a student may repeat only two courses (six courses for MBA) having grade point of less than 3.00. Procedure for repeating the course(s) shall be as under:-
The candidate shall apply to the Chairperson for permission to repeat the course.
The student shall have to pay the prescribed tuition fee for the repeated course. The transcript shall show both the old grade and the new earned grade but the CGPA shall be based on the better grade.
The student shall have to repeat the course within the time limit given by the supervisor.
In addition to clearance of the „F‟ grade, a student shall be allowed to repeat a maximum of two courses only during his / her entire coursework.
Course replacement will only be allowed in case the same is not being offered and time to complete the program is short.
. Minimum period for completion of MS program shall be one and a half years and maximum period shall be four years. Minimum period for MBA program shall be 1.5 or 3.5 and maximum period shall be 3.5 or 6 years keeping in view the credit hours.
Appointment of Supervisor for Thesis (MS Program only)
. On the written request of the student, the Chairperson with the @approval@ of the concerned Dean of faculty will send the case for formal notification.
Change of Supervisor for Thesis (MS Program only)
. On the request of student, change in MS supervisor can be allowed by the Chairperson in consultation with Dean concerned with the approval of the Vice Chancellor under special circumstances.
Co-Supervisor/Co-Advisor may be appointed if required who is a PhD qualified faculty/specialist from industry or an R&D organization (in a specific field in which requisite expertise/facilities are not available within the university). The co-supervisor/co-advisor shall assist in supervision/ guidance of thesis of MS student till completion of research work. The co-supervisor/co-advisor must have sufficient experience and relevant qualification in the field of research.
Appointment of External Examiner/Supervisor
Standing list of local external examiners/supervisors suggested from time to time by the Departmental Board of Studies and approved by Board of Faculty.
The supervisor shall suggest a panel of at least three external local examiners in order of priority from the approved list. The Dean shall appoint one external local examiner from the suggested panel to evaluate the Thesis.
Submission of Thesis
. The candidate shall be eligible to submit the thesis, provided the course work formalities have been completed. The thesis should be written in English language except where recommended by the Chairpersons and allowed by the VC.
Research during Master Program
. The procedure for thesis research shall be as under:
All students must successfully complete a minimum of 6 credits in Master's thesis.
Subject of research shall be agreed to by the student and the research Supervisor/ Advisor (thesis advisor). The research must not be plagiarized.
Thesis shall be graded and will be counted towards calculation of CGPA for all programs.
Change in the area of research, once it has been finalized, will be discouraged. However, if it becomes inevitable, then the matter will be discussed in Departmental Board of Studies. After detailed deliberations, the Board will forward its recommendations to the Dean for approval.
Evaluation of Thesis
The Thesis will be sent for evaluation to one local (external) expert.
Final presentation of Thesis will be given after obtaining positive evaluation report by the local (external) expert.
The expert shall submit his/her report to the Controller of Examinations.
In case, the expert asks for a resubmission, the candidate will be asked to work on the Thesis for a maximum period of six months before submitting it for re-evaluation.
The Thesis shall be resubmitted after incorporating revisions and suggested changes.
First resubmission may be allowed at least three months after intimation to the concerned supervisor.
Third resubmission is not allowed and the candidate shall be declared fail.
Chairperson will be responsible to arrange the open defence of the Thesis.
Change of External Expert
In case, the expert fails to respond within two weeks, a new expert shall be recommended to the Dean.
In case, the second expert does not respond within two weeks, a new panel of two experts shall be recommended to the Dean.
Submission of Final Thesis
. The thesis submitted by Masters „candidate shall comply with the following conditions:-
This thesis should exhibit literature research, application of well proven knowledge and its simulation or practical implementation in creating a solution.
It shall not include research work for which a degree has already been conferred in this or any other university.
Initially, the candidate shall submit @two@ spiral bound copies of completed thesis along with an application on prescribed form, duly recommended by the Supervisor and the Chairman of the Department to the Controller of Examinations for evaluation.
At final submission four hard bound copies of Thesis having a soft copy on CD, will be prepared for submitting of one copy to the University, one copy for the Department, one copy for the Supervisor and one copy for the student.
Award of Masters Degree
The candidate who successfully completes all the requirements including passing of Viva-Voce examination shall be awarded, with the approval of the Board of Faculty; the degree of Masters of Science under the Seal of the University.
The Vice Chancellor may approve the recommendations of the Board of Faculty on behalf of the Board of Governors regarding the award of Masters „degree to the candidate(s).
Fee and Other Dues
. Each student shall be required to pay tuition fee and such other charges as may be prescribed from time to time.
Thesis / Project MBA Program
. The submission and evaluation of MBA Thesis/Project will be done under Departmental Boards.
Plagiarism Test
. Plagiarism test must be conducted on the thesis before its submission to external expert or as applicable by the QAC.
Academic Calendar
Fee Structure
Financial Matters
Financial Assistance
Refund Policy
Fines/Penalties on Late Payments
Miscellaneous Charges
Admission Policy
Academic Regulations
Academic Deficiencies
Rules & Regulations (MS)
Rules & Regulations (PhD)
HITEC University Act 2009