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HITEC University Act 2009
Undergraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Business Administration
Islamic Studies
Postgraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
PhD Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vision & Mission
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Management Science
Islamic Studies
OBE Based Curriculum
CS OBE Based Curriculum
SE OBE Based Curriculum
BME OBE Based Curriculum
Interactive Session on Final Year Projects
5th International Conference of PNQAHE
Free of Cost Development Sessions
NICAT Industrial Visit
ThreeLayers Technologies Recruitment Drive
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Chairman Message
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Vision & Mission
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Rules & Regulations (PhD)
HITEC University Act 2009
Undergraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Business Administration
Islamic Studies
Postgraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
PhD Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vision & Mission
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Management Science
Islamic Studies
OBE Based Curriculum
CS OBE Based Curriculum
SE OBE Based Curriculum
BME OBE Based Curriculum
Interactive Session on Final Year Projects
5th International Conference of PNQAHE
Free of Cost Development Sessions
NICAT Industrial Visit
ThreeLayers Technologies Recruitment Drive
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Types & Classification of services
Eligibility, Recruitment/Selection, Termination, Resignation
Perks & Privileges
Contributory Fund
Conduct & Discipline
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HEC Digital Library
Human Resource
Eligibility, Recruitment/Selection, Termination, Resignation
Eligibility for Appointments
No person shall be eligible for appointment in the University unless he/she is a Pakistani National. When a suitable Pakistani national is not available, a non-Pakistani national may be appointed on such terms and conditions and for such duration as the Competent Authority may decide. However, a foreign national may be appointed in Academic Staff category in a Talent Exchange Program according to the rules of Government of Pakistan.
No person shall be appointed to any post in the University for which technical and/or professional qualifications are an approved pre-requisite unless he possesses the minimum qualifications.
Verification of Documents.
Appointment in the University shall be conditional until verification of personal data, certificates of service or qualifications, references and any other information or particulars which the University may require. If information found incorrect at any subsequent stage, the services are liable to be terminated.
Medical Fitness.
No person shall be eligible for appointment in the University unless declared medically fit by the Medical Officer.
If Secondary School Certificate is not available as a proof of age, the age assessed through the CNIC shall be placed on record and shall be final for all purposes.
No person shall be appointed or confirmed who has been dismissed from the service of HITEC University or by any government department whether central or provincial, or by any semi-government or autonomous body or from any previous employment for the reasons of misconduct etc. or conviction for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude. If it is revealed, after such appointment has been made or is being made, that information of such previous dismissal has been kept hidden, the University shall have the right to remove / terminate unconditionally and without any liability such person without notice.
Creation and Abolition of Posts.
The Board may, at any time, in the best interest of the University create or abolish any post or posts in any class or classes, whether permanent or temporary. The Board may delegate to any person(s) or a committee to perform this duty/function.
All appointments shall be made from time to time as may be considered necessary by the University to implement the aims and to promote efficiency in the affairs of the University.
Appointments may be made on contractual basis, on terms and conditions as approved by the Competent Authority in line with the criteria prescribed by the HEC / PEC / other accreditation councils and the University.
All appointments in any pay scale or group shall normally be made at its initial level but if the qualifications and experience of the person is more, then the competent authority may approve the appointment at such higher level within the pay scale as may be deemed fit.
All appointments shall be made through properly constituted Selection Board./ Selection Committee. A vacancy in the higher post shall normally be filled either by departmental promotion, taking duly into consideration seniority, merit, suitability and experience; or by direct recruitment if suitable candidates are not available, of which the University shall be the sole judge.
Selection Board
As per The HITEC University Taxila Act XII of 2009, the Selection Board shall consist of:
The Vice Chancellor (Chairman);
The Dean of the faculty concerned;
The Chairperson concerned;
One member of the Board to be nominated by the Board;
One eminent scholar to be nominated by the Society; and
One expert in the subject' to be nominated by the Secretary to the Government Education Department.
The Registrar shall be the Secretary of the Selection Board.
Term of Office.
The members other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a period of three years.
Four members of the Selection Board shall constitute the quorum for a meeting of the Selection Board.
Taking part in Proceedings.
No member who is a candidate or whose family member is a candidate, for a post to which appointment is to be made, shall take part in the proceedings of the Selection Board for selection of a candidate on such post.
Co-option of Members.
In selection of candidates for the post of Professor or Associate Professor, the Selection Board shall co-opt or consult three experts in the subject concerned and in selecting candidates for any other teaching post, two experts in the subject concerned, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor from a standing list of experts for each subject approved by the Board on the recommendation of the Selection Board. The Board may revise the standing list of experts of a subject on the recommendation of the Selection Board.
Functions of the Selection Board. The Selection Board shall:-
Consider and select suitable candidates for appointment/promotion to teaching and other posts and recommend suitable salary.
Submit all such cases of promotion and selection of officers to the Board for formal approval.
Selection Committee. Selection Committee of the University shall consist of:
the Dean of a faculty or Principal Staff Officer as decided by the competent authority
Chairperson of the Department / Director/Manager concerned;
Treasurer (in attendance)
Functions of the Selection Committee. The selection Committee shall:-
Consider the applications and recommend to the Vice Chancellor, the names of suitable candidates for appointment to administrative, secretarial and other posts below the officer cadre and recommend suitable salary for the selected candidate.
Consider all cases of promotion of employees of the University below officer cadre and recommend the names of suitable candidates for such promotion or selection to the Vice Chancellor.
Appointment Process
The Chairpersons of the Departments / Director of a branch will send the requirement of the slot to the Registrar Office.
Upon receipt of requirement, Registrar Office will raise a minute sheet for the approval of Vice Chancellor.
After the approval, Assistant Registrar (HR) will arrange the resumes of the suitable / short listed candidates for the desired post from the applications and resumes received in response to advertisement, online applications and application received through networking. University criteria for appointment of officers and faculty, based on the guidelines of HEC / PEC, are attached with these regulations.
Registrar will arrange the meeting of Selection Board keeping the availability of the board members in view and will communicate the same date to the candidates. In case of selection of non officers cadre Registrar will arrange the meeting of Selection Committee as per availability of the Committee members and will communicate the same date to the candidates.
After selection of the suitable candidate(s), the proceedings will be signed by the respective members of the Board or Committee. Selection Board/Committee will recommend the salary for the selected candidates.
All appointments of offers’ cadre / faculty will be on contract subject to the approval of the Board.
Salary and Commencement of Service
The starting salary of the employee will be as recommended in the Selection Board / Selection Committee.
Pay and allowances shall accrue from the date on which an employee reports for duty in writing at the place and time intimated to him, provided that he reports within the first half of the official working hours, otherwise salary will accrue from the next following day.
The newly appointed employee will submit the educational and experience documents to Registrar Office.
The newly appointed employee will be issued an Employee Card bearing employee name and designation, which should be displayed visibly during his /her presence in the University.
The newly appointed employee will be provided a handbook or CD containing the following useful material required to perform his job.
Copy of appointment letter
University Rules and Regulations
Job description
Visiting Faculty.
Visiting Faculty shall be treated as a temporary contractual employee. Visiting faculty shall be appointed on the recommendations of the Chairperson and Dean concerned for a specific duration.
Probations and Confirmations
All initial appointments shall be placed on probation for a minimum period of six months.
After the expiry of probation period the respective Dean/Principal Staff Officer/Chairperson will initiate a written performance report of the employee and recommend to the Vice Chancellor:
In case of satisfactory performance, confirmation of service of the employee; and
In case of unsatisfactory performance termination of service or extension in the probation period for another six months.
The extension in probation period will be notified by an order in writing and copy will be provided to the employee and respective reporting officer. After the completion of 2nd probation, the services of the employee will be either confirmed if his/her performance is satisfactory or terminated in case of unsatisfactory performance on the recommendation of reporting officer.
Upon such confirmation, the employee shall be deemed to be in the contractual service of the University and shall be entitled to all the privileges and rights accruing to him from the date of his joining the service, except as may be specifically pro¬vided in any relevant rules of the University.
Increments and Promotions
The performance of every employee shall be assessed at least once a year, in the month of December. The annual assessment shall be made in the first instance on the Performance Evaluation Forms by his immediate superior and reviewed by the higher authority nominated for this purpose for each group.
The Performance Evaluation shall be communicated to the employee at all levels and his signatures shall be obtained.
Every confirmed employee shall be entitled to the increment(s) in his pay within his pay scale as per laid down scale.
The University through a properly constituted Selection Board may in deserving cases, where recommended by any Chairperson of the department in writing, grant an employee one or more special increments.
Any employee reaching the ceiling within the salary group shall not be entitled to promotion in the next higher group automatically. His performance shall be reviewed by the Competent Authority who may at his discretion grant an increase not exceeding the maximum increment of the scale.
Promotion is the function of the Selection Board / Committee and cannot be claimed as of right.
For fixation of salary on promotion / upgrading, if benefit is less than half the rate of increment in the new grade, one advance increment shall be added.
All employees are entitled to one increment each for a Gold Medal at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level.
Employees of the University can be transferred from one department to another generally in their normal line of duty in the service of the University, Transfer of employees shall, to the extent possible be in consultation with the Chairpersons of department/Director concerned and the Competent Authority depending upon the availability of vacancy in the department/section in which transfer is being made.
Employees shall be transferred based on the following:-
Need of the University.
Availability of vacancy;
Career growth of the individual;
Optimal utilization of skills and knowledge;
Need for experience;
Administrative reasons.
Resignations and Terminations
An employee may resign from the service of the University, at any time, by giving one month notice in writing or make payment of the sum equivalent to gross pay in lieu of the notice period as per provision of his / her contract. For faculty members, the notice period is one moth prior to the start of semester or up to the completion of the running semester, or payment of the sum equivalent to the gross pay of remaining period of semester or of un-served notice period.
An employee may leave the employment or the services of an employee may be terminated by the University by giving 30 days notice in writing or by payment of a sum equal to the salary for that period or the proportionate salary for the un-expired period of the notice, however a faculty member is bound to serve till the completion of running semester or by paying a sum equal to the period remaining in completion of semester and such faculty member shall serve the notice one month prior to the start of semester.
The Competent Authority may, however, curtail or waive such notice period in exceptional cases on the basis of outstanding performance and contribution of the employee and recommendations by respective Deans / PSO / Chairpersons / Directors. The reasons are to be recorded for such a decision.
In case the services of an employee are being terminated by the University on account of unsatisfactory performance, inefficiency and ill discipline, the record of counseling / warnings / evaluations etc shall be provided to the employee. In case of any grievances, the employee will be provided fair opportunity to explain his / her position in front of a committee constituted for the purpose.
The Competent Authority of the University may at its sole discretion, waive or reduce the amount due by an employee in lieu of notice period in extreme exceptional circumstances subject to employees outstanding performance and contribution.
All benefits with regards to permissible leaves and retirement benefits etc of an employee shall cease as soon as the resignation is tendered and accepted, regardless of the notice period being served.
In either of the aforementioned cases, any employee who leaves with or without notice, or whose services are terminated by the University with or without notice (as the case may be) shall not be absolved of the obligations to obtain proper clearance from the University in writing.
In all cases of resignation, Registrar Office will conduct a formal exit interview with the departing staff. The objective is to get a candid assessment of how the University is perceived and what can be done for improvement. The exit interview notes will be filed with HR for further action, if needed.
Resignation Process
Employee submits the resignation to his/her respective Dean/PSO/ Chairperson/ Manger.
Dean, PSO/Chairperson/Manager will forward the resignation to the VC through the channel of reporting with his/her recommendations
After formal approval by the Vice Chancellor, Registrar office will issue the notification as regards the relinquishment of charge to relevant offices including the outgoing employee, concerned Dean, PSO, Chairperson, Treasurer, with a copy to the Vice Chancellor.
Out going employee will seek the clearance from all departments on clearance certificate and submit to the Registrar Office.
Completion of handing / taking over formalities by Chairpersons.
Conduct of exit interview by Registrar Office.
Contract Agreement.
All employees will sign the agreement with the University pertaining the terms and conditions of their service as per attached specimens. Contract can be renewed further with the mutual consent of the employee and the University. In case the contract is the not renewed, the services of the employee will stand terminated automatically on the last day of the contract.
Human Resource
Types & Classification of services
Eligibility, Recruitment/Selection, Termination, Resignation
Perks & Privileges
Contributory Fund
Conduct & Discipline
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