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Admission Spring-2025
Student Portal
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VC Message
Vision & Mission
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Academic Regulations
Academic Deficiencies
Rules & Regulations (MS)
Rules & Regulations (PhD)
HITEC University Act 2009
Undergraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Business Administration
Islamic Studies
Postgraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
PhD Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vision & Mission
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Management Science
Islamic Studies
OBE Based Curriculum
CS OBE Based Curriculum
SE OBE Based Curriculum
BME OBE Based Curriculum
Interactive Session on Final Year Projects
5th International Conference of PNQAHE
Free of Cost Development Sessions
NICAT Industrial Visit
ThreeLayers Technologies Recruitment Drive
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Types & Classification of services
Eligibility, Recruitment/Selection, Termination, Resignation
Perks & Privileges
Contributory Fund
Conduct & Discipline
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Position Vacant
In-Campus Library
HEC Digital Library
Chairman Message
VC Message
Vision & Mission
Contact Us
Academic Calendar
Fee Structure
Financial Matters
Financial Assistance
Refund Policy
Fines/Penalties on Late Payments
Miscellaneous Charges
Academic Regulations
Academic Deficiencies
Rules & Regulations (MS)
Rules & Regulations (PhD)
HITEC University Act 2009
Undergraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Business Administration
Islamic Studies
Postgraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
PhD Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
Islamic Studies
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vision & Mission
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
BioMedical Engineering
Computer Science
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Management Science
Islamic Studies
OBE Based Curriculum
CS OBE Based Curriculum
SE OBE Based Curriculum
BME OBE Based Curriculum
Interactive Session on Final Year Projects
5th International Conference of PNQAHE
Free of Cost Development Sessions
NICAT Industrial Visit
ThreeLayers Technologies Recruitment Drive
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Types & Classification of services
Eligibility, Recruitment/Selection, Termination, Resignation
Perks & Privileges
Contributory Fund
Conduct & Discipline
Apply Online
Position Vacant
In-Campus Library
HEC Digital Library
Human Resource
Conduct and Discipline
Conforming to rules and regulations.
Every employee shall conform to and abide by the rules and regulations of the University and shall observe, comply with and abide by all orders/instructions which may be given, from time to time, by any person under whose jurisdiction, superintendence or control he / she may for the time being be placed.
Working Environment
No Smoking Policy.
The University is committed to provide a smoke free work environment where every smoker /nonsmoker can work in good health. Accordingly, the employees are not allowed to smoke at the workplace. This policy applies to all premises of HITEC University during and after official working hours.
Dress Code.
The University maintains a professional working environment. All employees should follow the dress code that is appropriate for the office and student interaction as appended below:-
Formal attire i.e. suits or formal trouser / shirt and tie, polished shoes. On Fridays formal neat shalwar kameez / kurta is allowed with waist coat.
Culturally appropriate/decent attire e.g. shalwar kameez or kurta suit, shoes, (formal flat heels).
Late Sittings.
Academic block / Library shall remain open till prescribed timings and the Secretariat Offices till 4:30 pm. An employee may be required to sit late beyond office timings. However, in case where an employee sits beyond working hours during work days, he / she will have to obtain approvals from Competent Authority.
Sexual Harassment.
The University exercises zero tolerance with regard to sexual harassment.
Breach of Conduct.
Major breaches of conduct;
Willful negligence, inefficiency, inattention, or inordi¬nate delay or wasteful working in the performance of duty.
Impertinence, insubordination, disobedience, disorderly behavior, riotous or any other act subversive to discipline.
Willful omission or commission against the interests of or resulting in loss to the University.
Breach and evasion of rules, regulations, orders, instructions issued by the University.
Irregular, late attendance and habitual absence from duty and absence from duty without authorization for more than 10 days.
Conviction for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude, unauthorized disclosure of any confidential information or handing over confidential documents or copies thereof relating to the affairs of the University.
Acceptance from a subordinate employee of the University or from persons having or likely to have dealings with the University or from such companies or candidates for employment in the University, of any gifts, gratifications, loans gratuities, rewards or financial benefits whatsoever, directly or indi¬rectly, on his behalf or on behalf of any other person of his family.
With-holding of any information or work from an officer which he is normally entitled to have in normal performance of his duties or preventing an officer from performing his duties and functions.
Willful tempering with, theft or destructions of any records, documents and any property of the University.
Borrowing money from or in any way placing himself under a pecuniary obligation to any employee of the University or any person or firm having or to have dealings with the University.
Favoritism and nepotism.
Representation or submission whether personal or official either written or verbal to higher authority except through proper channel. Withholding of representation without due authority.
Making any statement, or addressing letters to the Press or delivering a speech on Radio / TV etc. con¬cerning the affairs of the University unless duly authorized by the Competent Authority.
Going on strike or inciting others to go on strike.
Approaching foreign missions for any purpose what¬soever without prior approval of the Competent Authority.
Compel or attempt to compel the Management to accept any demand by using intimidation, coercion, pressure, threat, confinement to or ouster from a place dispossession, assault physical injury, disconnection of telephone, water or power facilities or such other methods.
Drunkenness during duty hours.
Breach of any bye-law relating to use of official family accommodation framed by the Management from time to time.
Gambling in the premises of the University, or in any subordinate office, project or the township.
Any other act of omission or commission which the Board or the Competent Authority may hold to be misconduct.
Inquiry Procedure.
The following procedure shall be observed when an employee is proceeded against under these statues;
In case where an employee is accused of subversion, corruption, or misbehavior, the respective Chairperson / Director shall initiate a disciplinary case to the Registrar Office.
Registrar shall issue a show cause notice to the employee to explain his/her position as regards the accusation/act.
After receipt of the reply of the employee, the Registrar shall process the case to the Vice Chancellor for taking the decision whether the case merits summary disposal or require the inquiry through an inquiry committee.
In case the Vice Chancellor decides to dispose off the case summarily, the Registrar shall take action on the decision.
In case the competent authority decides to order an inquiry, the Registrar shall constitute an inquiry committee.
The inquiry committee shall:
Record all the evidences related to the case.
Provide the accused a reasonable opportunity to explain his/her before the inquiry committee
Prepare the report including the findings, opinion and recommendations and submit to the Registrar for obtaining the final decision by the Vice Chancellor.
The Registrar shall notify the final decision to the employee, the Chairperson / Director concerned.
Vice Chancellor shall be the final authority in all such cases.
The following types of minor and major penalties, or any other punishment as the competent authority may decide, depending on the nature of each offence/charge, may be imposed for misconduct/indiscipline
Minor Penalties
Withholding promotion or increment for specific period.
Recovery from pay of the whole or any part or any pecuniary loss caused to HITEC University by negligence or breach of orders.
Major Penalties
Termination of contract/services.
An employee shall have the right of appeal or making an application for review to the competent authority of any of the penalties imposed upon him/her within 30 days of the date of orders conveying such penalties. The Vice Chancellor shall have final powers to accept or reject an appeal.
Human Resource
Types & Classification of services
Eligibility, Recruitment/Selection, Termination, Resignation
Perks & Privileges
Contributory Fund
Conduct & Discipline
Apply Online
Position Vacant