Mechanical Engineering Laboratories
Laboratory sessions are designed to support and supplement theories introduced in the course and also to expose students to some relevant applications. The department has the following laboratories:
- Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
- Theory of Machines Laboratory
- Statics Laboratory
- Dynamics Laboratory
- Advanced Manufacturing Systems Laboratory
- Mechanical Material Testing Laboratory
- Workshop
- Thermodynamics Laboratory
- Refrigeration & Air conditioning Laboratory
Fluid mechanics lab has equipment for demonstrating and verifying fundamental principles. It contains several flow and pressure measuring devices both for measuring pipe-flow and channel-flow. In addition, application of fluid mechanics is also demonstrated by several hydraulic machines like pumps, turbines and flow visualization beds.
This lab aims to highlight the working principles of machines. Working of various practical components like wheel & axle, flywheel, rotating disc, screw thread, gear trains, screw jack, worm & wheel and shafts are demonstrated by small scale apparatuses. The same lab is also used for mechanical vibrations by demonstration of free & forced as well as torsional vibrations.
The laboratory is designed for understanding of Statics and Dynamics and consists of roof truss apparatus, friction apparatus, reaction of beams apparatus, polygon of forces apparatus, extension of spring apparatus, centrifugal force apparatus, gyroscope and balancing apparatus.
The lab contains the latest machines like CNC lathe, CNC milling and Automatic Production Training unit. Hands on training on these systems enables students to design and manufacture various types of jobs. Moreover, automatic production training unit imparts skills that are necessary to control the production units and robotic arms in industry.
The lab is well equipped with the facilities of measuring tensile strength, hardness and torsion of bars. The lab contains Brinell hardness tester, Rockwell hardness tester, torsional tester, universal and spring testing machines, impact and fatigue testing machine.
A hands on working experience of machine tools like lathe, shaper, milling, drill press and grinding is provided to the students. Electric arc welding & gas welding facilities are also available.
This lab helps the students to envisage the theoretical concepts of thermodynamics by demonstration of flow boiling apparatus, condensation unit. Some cut up -models for the visualization of practical thermodynamic machines are also available.
The laboratory has been planned to authenticate the laws and phenomenon in the subject of heat transfer and consists of free & forced convection unit, linear & radial conduction unit, thermal radiation unit and heat exchangers. The same lab is also used for simulation of refrigeration and air conditioning cycles by illustration of vapor compression unit.
This laboratory is equipped with sectioned models of engines. Also the test bed for simulation of practical engine cycles (Otto and Diesel) is under procurement. Steam power plant is also in pipe line for the power plant lab.
In this lab, a number of test benches are available. It is used to teach the students how to check the serviceability of various instruments for measurements of pressure and temperature. In addition to these equipment, it also includes process trainer for controlling temperature, pressure, flow, level, speed and motion.
This laboratory currently consists of Pentium based PCs with advanced graphic capability such as dynamic rotation of 3-D solid models. This laboratory provides training facility for modeling and simulation of mechanical systems and processes. Software library includes PRO-E, ANSYS and MATLAB. They allow development of 3-D models, mechanical design, linear and non-linear analysis of structures. It also caters for thermal, fluid, acoustic and other field problems. This facility has been used for conducting training workshops on computer integrated design, development and manufacturing of engineering components.