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PhD Computer Science

Department of Computer Science & Engineering has recently launched PhD computer science program. It is a full time study program for the scholars to enhance their expertise and professional skills by studying advanced courses and through the application of latest research methodologies. Department is committed to train and produce graduates that have comprehensive knowledge and are capable of integrating their professional education and experience to solve real-life problems through innovative ideas. Program emphasizes on quality research as a gateway to new horizons of scientific knowledge and discovery.

The PhD curriculum is flexible and has been designed considering HEC guidelines. Within the scope of general requirements, students may opt to suit their individual research interests based on their educational backgrounds. Experienced researchers and highly qualified faculty members working in multiple research domains are available to guide the students. Research groups are working in different fields of computer science including major areas such as advanced analysis of algorithms, theory of computation, simulation & modeling, multimedia communication, cryptography and security, computer vision, machine learning, decision support systems, data mining, web engineering, software project management, software quality assurance, requirement engineering, operating systems, next generation networks, parallel & distributed computing, mobile and pervasive computing, artificial Intelligence, image processing, database systems, software engineering, and human computer interaction.

The program comprises of 18 credit hours of course work and 30 credit hours of research. The courses can Ph.D. Computer Science be selected in consultation with the respective PhD supervisors from the list of graduate courses. The PhD program requires candidates to undertake six graduate level courses and must pass the qualifying examination before undertaking the research work in a chosen area for the doctoral thesis