Department of Computer Engineering



Computing Lab

This general-purpose Computing Lab provides open access support for computer science and computer engineering students. All general-purpose software packages are installed on the latest machines. This lab is dedicated for core computing courses such as programming fundamentals, object-oriented programming, data structures and algorithms etc.


Digital Signal Processing Lab

Each machine of this lab provides specialized software in addition to general purpose software design and application. This laboratory is dedicated for core computing and signal processing courses. Students can get maximum benefit by having hands-on experience by utilizing the latest workstations and simulation tools and training kits required for the completion of experimental work.


Embedded Systems Lab

It provides embedded and other hardware resources that are required to design, analyze and implement embedded systems. In addition, the lab also has a number of analog and digital equipment required for experimentation and project completion at both junior and senior level of undergraduate studies.


Data Communication And Networks Lab

It is utilized to conduct experiments for communication courses in the field of wired and wireless communication. It helps the students in grasping theoretical concepts and visualization of data transmission in terms of bits and bytes. Peer-to-peer and client-server models along with various network topologies are demonstrated. Different simulation packages are installed in the lab to get an in-depth understanding and practical exposure to network communication technologies.


Database Systems Lab

A wide variety of graphics, CAD, database management software, and other software packages are available on these machines. Students use this lab heavily for designing database solutions, generating queries, implementing interactive processing and developing most suitable GUIs.