Department of Computer Science

Scheme of Studies

Code Title Credit Hours
CS-101 Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies 2+1
CS-102 Programming Fundamentals 3+1
CS-103 Discrete Structures 3+0
HS-101 English 3+0
IS-211 Islamic Studies 2+0
MT-101 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3+0
Code Title Credit Hours
MT-203 Linear Algebra 3+0
HS-102 Pakistan Studies 2+0
HS-401 Pakistan Studies 2+0
CS-104 Object Oriented Programming 3+1
BS-105 Applied Physics 2+1
EC-121 Digital Logic Design 3+1
QT-101 Translation of the Quran: Beliefs 1+0(NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
MT-103 Differential Equations 3+0
HS-403 Management and Entrepreneurship 3+0
CS-201 Data Structures and Algorithms 3+1
CS-204 Software Engineering 3+0
HS-402 Economics 2+0
HS-201 Technical Report Writing 3+0
HS-203 Community Service 0+1 (NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-203 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3+0
CS-206 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 3+1
MT-204 Multivariable Calculus 3+0
HS-302 International Relations 3+0
HS-103 Communication Skills 3+0
HS-404 Foreign Language 1+1
QT-201 Translation of the Quran: Worships 1+0(NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-301 Theory of Automata 3+0
CS-303 Operating Systems 3+1
CS-304 Database Systems 3+1
CS-XXX Computer Science Elective – I 2+1
MT-302 Probability and Statistics 3+0
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-302 Artificial Intelligence 3+1
CS-306 Data Communication and Computer Networks 3+1
EC-444 Parallel and Distributed Computing 2+1
CS-XXX Computer Science Elective – II 2+1
CS-308 Software Quality Assurance 3+0
QT-301 Translation of the Quran: Moral Values 1+0(NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-401 Compiler Construction 2+1
CS-XXX Computer Science Elective – III 2+1
CS-XXX Computer Science Elective – IV 3+0
CS-408 Human Computer Interaction 2+1
ME-407 Health Safety and Environment 1+0
CS-499 Final Year Project 0+3
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-402 Information Security 3+0
CS-405 Numerical Computing 2+1
CS-XXX Computer Science Elective – V 3+0
CS-XXX Computer Science Elective – VI 3+0
CS-499 Final Year Project 0+3
QT-401 Translation of the Quran: Dealing and Commandments 1+0(NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-305  Computer Graphics   2+1 
CS-407  Fundamentals of Data Mining  3+0 
CS-410  Artificial Neural Networks   2+1 
CS-412  Expert Systems   3+0 
CS-413  Fuzzy Logic Systems   2+1 
CS-414  Computational Intelligence   3+0 
CS-415  Multi Agent Systems   3+0 
CS-416  Natural Language Processing   3+0 
CS-417  Game Development   3+0 
CS-419  Introduction to Optimization Techniques  3+0 
CS-428  Introduction to Machine Learning  2+1 
CS-433  Deep Learning and Applications  2+1 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-305  Computer Graphics   2+1 
CS-309  Web Design and Development   2+1 
CS-310  Distributed Computing   3+0 
CS-312  Web Engineering   2+1 
CS-313  Formal Methods in Software Engineering   3+0 
CS-314  Social Computing   3+0 
CS-403  Mobile Application & Development   3+0 
CS-406  Digital Image Processing   2+1 
CS-407  Fundamentals of Data Mining  3+0 
CS-418  Logical Paradigm of Computing   3+0 
CS-419  Introduction to Optimization Techniques  3+0 
CS-428  Introduction to Machine Learning  2+1 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-305  Computer Graphics   2+1 
CS-310  Distributed Computing   3+0 
CS-311  Data Warehousing   3+0 
CS-406  Digital Image Processing   2+1 
CS-411  Computer Vision   3+0 
CS-428  Introduction to Machine Learning  2+1 
CS-429  Introduction to Data Science  2+1 
CS-430  Data Science and Engineering   3+0 
CS-431  Big Data Programming  2+1 
CS-432  Introduction to Big Data Mining  3+0 
CS-433  Deep Learning and Applications  2+1 
CS-434  Data Visualization  2+1 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-310  Distributed Computing   3+0 
CS-404  Data and Network Security   3+0 
CS-406  Digital Image Processing   2+1 
CS-419  Introduction to Optimization Techniques  3+0 
CS-420  System Loss Prevention Methodologies  3+0 
CS-421  Security Threats and Risk Assessment   3+0 
CS-422  Information System Forensics and Investigation  2+1 
CS-423  Network & Distributed Systems Security  3+0 
CS-424  Introduction to Cryptography  2+1 
CS-425  Wireless Network Security   2+1 
CS-426  Computer Security  2+1 
CS-427  Cyber Forensic Analysis  3+0 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-102 Programming Fundamentals 3+1
CS-101 Introduction to Information & Communication Technologies 2+1
MT-101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3+0
HS-101 English 3+0
BS-105 Applied Physics 2+1
HS-102 Pakistan Studies 2+0
QT-101 Translation of the Quran: Beliefs 1+0 (NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-104 Object Oriented Programming 3+1
CS-103 Communication Skills 3+0
CS-105 Digital Logic Design 2+1
MT-203 Linear Algebra 3+0
CS-103 Discrete Structures 3+0
IS-211 Islamic Studies 2+0
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-201 Data Structures and Algorithms 3+1
CS-208 Essentials of Artificial Intelligence 2+1
HS-201 Technical Report Writing 3+0
MT-204 Multivariable Calculus 3+0
CS-207 Computer Organization & Assembly Language 2+1
HS-203 Community Service 0+1 (NC)
QT-201 Translation of the Quran: Worships 1+0 (NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-303 Operating Systems 3+1
SE-307 Foundations of Software Quality Engineering 2+1
SE-305 Software Construction and Development 2+1
MT-302 Probability and Statistics 3+0
CS-204 Software Engineering 3+0
HS-401 Professional Values & Ethics 2+0
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-304 Database systems 3+1
SE-202 Software Design & Architecture 2+1
XXX SE Elective I 3+0
XXX SE Elective II 2+1
ACC-201 Financial Management 3+0
QT-301 Translation of the Quran: Moral Values 1+0 (NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-306 Data Communication and Computer Networks 3+1
XXX SE Elective III 2+1
XXX SE Elective IV 2+1
XXX SE Elective V 2+1
HS-403 Management and Entrepreneurship 3+0
HS-404 Foreign Language 1+1
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-499 Final Year Project - I 0+3
CS-203 Design Analysis of Algorithms 3+0
EC-444 Parallel & Distributed Computing 2+1
SE-308 Essentials of Software Requirements Engineering 2+1
XXX SE Elective VI 2+1
ME-407 Health Safety and Environment 1+0
ME-407 Translation of the Quran: Dealing and Commandments 1+0 (NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-499 Final Year Project - II 0+3
SE-309 Software Planning and Project Management 2+1
CS-317 Essentials of Information Security 2+1
HS-402 Economics 2+0
XXX SE Elective VII 2+1
Code Title Credit Hours
SE-405  Cloud Computing  3+0 
SE-416  Visual Programming  2+1 
CS-301  Theory of Automata  3+0 
CS-320  HCI & Computer Graphics  2+1 
CS-309  Web Design & Development  2+1 
CS-318  Advanced Database Management System  2+1 
SE-412  Semantic Web  3+0 
CS-429  Introduction to Data Sciences  2+1 
CS-416  Natural Language Processing  3+0 
CS-313  Formal Methods in Software Engineering  3+0 
SE-402  Software Re-Engineering  3+0 
CS-403  Mobile Application Development  2+1 
CS-417  Game Development  2+1 
SE-407  Global Software Development  3+0 
SE-403  Agent Based Software Engineering  3+0 
CS-428  Introduction to Machine Learning  2+1 
SE-415  System Programming  3+0 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-101  Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies  2+1 
CS-102  Programming Fundamentals   3+1 
CS-103  Discrete Structures  3+0 
MT-101  Calculus & Analytical Geometry   3+0 
HS-101  English  3+0 
IS-211  Islamic Studies   2+0 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-104 Object Oriented Programming  3+1
CS-105  Digital Logic Design  2+1 
MT-203  Liner Algebra 3+0 
HS-103  Communication Skills 3+0 
BS-105  Applied Physics  2+1
QT-101  Translation of the Quran: Beliefs *1+0
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-201 Data Structures and Algorithms  3+1 
HS-401  Professional Values and Ethics  2+0
CS-208 Essentials of Artificial Intelligence 2+1 
CS-304  Database Systems  3+1 
MT-204  Multivariable Calculus  3+0 
HS-203 Community Service 0+1 (NC) 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-306  Data Communication and Computer Networks  3+1 
CS-207  Computer Organization & Assembly Language  2+1
CS-203 Design Analysis and Algorithms 3+0 
AI-301 Programming for Artificial Intelligence   2+1 
AI-XXX AI Elective-I  3+0 
QT-201  Translation of the Quran: Worships  *1+0 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-303  Operating Systems  3+1
CS-410  Artificial Neural Network 2+1 
CS-428  Introduction to Machine Learning  2+1 
AI-302 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning  2+1 
AI-XXX  AI Elective-II  2+1 
HS-402 Economics  2+0 
Code Title Credit Hours
EC-444  Parallel & Distributed Computing  2+1 
CS-411  Computer Vision  2+1 
AI-XXX AI Elective-III  2+1 
HS-102  Pakistan Studies 2+0 
MT-302 Probability and Statistics  3+0 
CS-204  Software Engineering  3+0 
QT-301  Translation of the Quran: Moral Values  *1+0 
Code Title Credit Hours
HS-201 Technical Report Writing  3+0 
HS-404  Foreign Language  1+1 
AI-XXX  AI Elective-IV  2+1 
AI-XXX  AI Elective-V  2+1 
HS-403  Management and Entrepreneurship  3+0
ME-407  Health Safety and Environment  1+0 
CS-499  Final Year Project-I  0+3 
Code Title Credit Hours
AI-XXX  AI Elective-VI  2+1 
AI-XXX  AI Elective-VII  2+1 
CS-317  Essentials of Information Security  2+1 
ACC-201  Financial Management  3+0 
CS-499 Final Year Project-II  0+3 
QT-401  Translation of the Quran: Dealing and Commandments  *1+0 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-301  Theory of Automata  3+0 
CS-416  Natural Language Processing  2+1 
AI-401  Speech Processing  2+1 
CS-407  Fundamentals of Data Mining  2+1 
AI-403  Advance Statistics   2+1 
AI-402  Reinforcement Learning   2+1 
CS-320  HCI & Computer Graphics  2+1 
CS-413  Fuzzy Logic Systems  2+1 
AI-304  Swarm Intelligence    2+1 
CS-415  Multi Agent Systems  2+1 
AI-404  Knowledge Based Systems   2+1 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-101 Introduction to Information & Communication Technologies 2+1
CS-102 Programming Fundamentals 3+1
CS-103 Discrete Structures 3+0
MT-101 Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3+0
HS-101 English 3+0
HS-102 Pakistan Studies 2+0
QT-101 Translation of the Quran: Beliefs *1+0 
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-104 Object Oriented Programming 3+1
CS-105 Digital Logic Design 2+1
MT-204 Multivariable Calculus 3+0
IS-211 Islamic Studies 2+0
HS-103 Communication Skills 3+0
BS-105 Applied Physics 2+1
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-201 Data Structures and Algorithms 3+1
CS-207 Computer Organization & Assembly Language 2+1
MT-203 Linear Algebra 3+0
SC-201 Introduction to Cyber Security 2+1
HS-201 Technical Report Writing 3+0
QT-201 Translation of the Quran: Worships *1+0
HS-203 Community Service 0+1 (NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
SC-202 Digital Forensics 2+1
CS-303 Operating Systems 3+1
CS-204 Software Engineering 3+0
SC-203 Information Assurance 2+1
MT-302 Probability and Statistics 3+0
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-203 Design Analysis and Algorithm 3+0
CS-304 Database Systems 3+1
SC-XXX Cyber Security Elective-I 3+0
CS-317 Essentials of Information Security 2+1
CS-306 Data Communication and Computer Networks 3+1
QT-301 Translation of the Quran: Moral Values *1+0
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-208 Essentials of Artificial Intelligence 2+1
SC-301 Networks Security 2+1
SC-XXX Cyber Security Elective-II 2+1
SC-XXX Cyber Security Elective-III 2+1
HS-401 Professional Values and Ethics 2+0
HS-403 Management & Entrepreneurship 3+0
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-499 Final Year Project-I 0+3
SC-XXX Cyber Security Elective-IV 2+1
SC-XXX Cyber Security Elective-V 2+1
SC-401 Secure Software Design and Development 2+1
EC-444 Parallel & Distributed Computing 2+1
ME-407 Health Safety and Environment 1+0
QT-401 Translation of the Quran: Dealing and Commandments *1+0
Code Title Credit Hours
CS-499 Final Year Project-II 0+3
SC-XXX Cyber Security Elective-VI 2+1
SC-XXX Cyber Security Elective-VII 2+1
HS-402 Economics 2+0
ACC-201 Financial Management 3+0
HS-404 Foreign Language 1+1
Code Title Credit Hours
SC-208  Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineering  2+1 
SC-207  Basic Electronics  2+1 
SC-204  Hardware Security  2+1 
SC-205  Malware Analysis  2+1 
SC-206  Wireless and Mobile Security  2+1 
CS-301  Theory of Automata  3+0 
CS-320  HCI & Computer Graphics  2+1 
SC-304  Penetration Testing  2+1 
SC-402  Computer Architecture  2+1 
SC-403  Advance Digital Logic Design  2+1 
SC-404  Embedded Systems  2+1 
SC-405  Cyber Law & Cyber Crime  2+1 
SC-406  Control System Security  2+1 